Museum Outdoor Display
The out-of-doors exhibition of rocketry is located on the open terrace on the north side of the museum on the steep bank of the storage lake. The exhibition includes: - the three-stage launch vehicle "Vostok" (a technological mock-up) on the transport-installation unit. The vehicle was designed for injecting into the near-Earth orbit automatic spacecrafts and manned spaceship of the "Vostor" series. The maximum designated mass of payload is 4730kg. On the 12th of April, 1961, such launch vehicle injected into near-Earth orbit the spaseship "Vostok" piloted by pilot-cosmonaut Ju.A. Gagarin. Afterwards such carrier boosters orbited one-seat spaceship with the pilot-cosmonauts G.S.Titov, A.G.Nirolayev, P.R,Popovich, V.F.Bykovsky, and V.V.Tereshkova aboard. This carrier booster launched the space probes "Luna-1"-"Luna-3", some spacecrafts of the "Cosmos"-series, the Earth satellite "Meteor", "Electron" and some others. - The instrument container of the B5A geophisical rocket - was designed for installation of scientific equipment to study geophisical processes, it was also used for conducting medical-biological experiments with dogs (the B5A rocket developed on the basis of the R-5 combat ballistic medium-range missile, attained the altitude up to 515 km; from 1958 to 1977 twenty rockets of this series were successfully launched). - The instrument container of the B2A geophisical rocket - was designed for the same purpose as the B5A one; instrument section was located on the B2A rocket, developed on the basis of the R-2 combat ballistic long-range missile. It attained the altitude up to 212 km. - The MR-12 meteorological rocket (a replica) was designed for lifting the instruments measuring pressure, temperature, air density and wind parameters at high altitudes, chemical and ion composition of the upper atmosphere. The rocket reached the altitude up to 150-170 km. - The R-12, a combat strategic ballistic medium-range surface-to-surface missile. It was given to the museum by the Rocket Forces of strategic assignment of the Defence Ministry in 1990. According to the 1987 year Treaty between the USSR and the USA these missiles were dismantled/ The last one was disassembled on the 12th of May, 1991/